Simulation software that gives business leaders a place to practise

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Who we work with

Business simulation games for learning

Experience has taught us that traditional approaches to learning are successful in teaching business knowledge, but teaching business skills remains a challenge.

To learn skills we need progressive and repeated practice that builds confidence.

Our business simulations provide realistic and engaging environments where this practice can take place.


IXA creates advanced business simulation software to provide aspiring business leaders with a realistic place to practise.

Simulating business

We produce advanced software programmes that simulate the business environment, enabling participants to develop practical skills in:

  • Analytical and strategic thinking
  • Team working
  • Leadership
  • Influencing and persuading others
  • Decision making

2. Our focus is always to produce software that is:

  • REALISTIC – reflects the complexities of the business world
  • ENGAGING – interesting enough that participants want to play
  • INTUITIVE – simple to operate, so time is spent running a business not learning the software

3. Simulate general management

Our flagship business simulation package is Boardroom Manager which simulates the challenges of general management in a highly competitive market.

1. Reports

Participants receive detailed and realistic reports

2. Decisions

Make decisions covering all main business functions

3. Build value

To build the value of their business in a competitive market

What clients say about Boardroom Manager

Sarah Moore-Williams

Sarah Moore-Williams

Dean - London South Bank University Business School

​“Thank you for a great experience with your simulation.

We thought it was a great learning tool & would like to embed it in our teaching programme”

Pam Crawford

Pam Crawford

Head of Careers and Employability Services - University of Stirling

“Student feedback was outstanding. They were very aware of the skills they developed and highly engaged and enthusiastic about the experience.

This authentic learning opportunity is a great way to bring theory and strategies to life in a real world scenario.”

David Murray

David Murray

People Manager - Orbia Group

“It was great to see all the participants so engaged in a piece of learning.

Boardroom Manager was a great fit with the leadership programme and we’ll definitely want to repeat the experience with this year’s cohort.“

Hannah Butterworth

Hannah Butterworth

Social Housing Development Manager - Orbia Ltd

“It was absolutely fantastic and extremely engaging. It really tied in well with the leadership course as it brought all the skills and theories we had talked about over the last 11 months together, allowing me to put it all into practise.”



Students, University of Exeter

“All I can say is what a fantastic way to embed our learning and provide such a practical and engaging way to develop.. highly recommend.”

“A great addition to the masterclass programme – a fantastic way to augment our learning!”

“A fun way to embed our learning. Highly recommended.”

“Great way to consolidate the content of this module. Have spoken to some of the online cohort today and it went down a storm virtually too it seems!”

Lucy Crowther

Lucy Crowther

Director of Learning, British Retail Consortium

“The reputation of our leadership programmes is critical as we support some of the largest retailers in the country. Using Boardroom Manager for our more senior programme ensures that we have a strong commercial element that is hard to find in our programmes. Delegates love it because it is highly competitive and gives them a real insight into the difficult decisions that have to be made by the leaders of their businesses.”

The Team

Rod Saxby

Rod Saxby


20+ years in business learning, including business simulation software


Andy Norris

Andy Norris


15 years in technology industry, working on electronics, embedded systems and software engineering


Adam Brooks

Adam Brooks

Head of UI/UX

Software developer with 25 years in IT, working in a variety of roles in across software and hardware


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